Posted on 3/27/2011
Most people have been conditioned to bring their cars in for an oil and filter change every 3 months or 3,000 miles, whichever comes first. And many automotive service/repair facilities, including dealerships, will stress that it is important to change your oil frequently. This recommendation is actually a carryover from years ago when vehicle engines were not built to today’s exacting standards. Today, the fuel and ignition systems and, in some cases, the engine camshafts, are controlled by sophisticated computer controls that also contribute to a longer life span for engine lubricants. Many of the lubricants themselves are built to a much higher standard than in the past. The engine oil performs 3 jobs: 1. Lubricates the moving parts 2. Carries heat away from the moving parts 3. Carries any debris away from the moving parts to the engine oil filter ... read more
Posted on 3/20/2011
I don’t think anyone is too happy about the climbing fuel prices. Especially those of us who are on a tight budget or who have cars that don’t get the best gas mileage — what can we do about it? My daughter, who is away at college, is now thinking twice before driving anywhere, and has even decided to take an airplane home her next visit as it will actually be less expensive (her Izusu Rodeo is not very fuel efficient!). But there are ways we can help our cars achieve the best fuel efficiency possible. Here are some points to remember (and yes, I have shared these with my daughter, too!): 1. Know that the biggest difference between the gas at one station and another, outside of price, is the additive package used by that company. Be aware of what is being added to your gasoline. 2. In particular, look for the amount of ethanol added to the gasoline at your station. The higher the percentage, the lower t ... read more